
TreeTrap Cloth

TreeTrap is a cloth which was established on 24 December 2010. TreeTrap founded by three young children, namely Adi Surya, De Base, Ariadhi Pande. At first they were just just for fun to make cloth, but because the cloth industry promising they are also many business opportunities there, eventually they continue until now.

TreeTrap name was obtained because they want to create three traps, and want to translate into English, but because the that time they do not really know English, so a little bit wrong in writing the name of a the real TreeTrap is "ThreeTrap". But because it has long been used the name TreeTrap eventually they keep using that name until now.

These are some of the work of TreeTrap

Contact :
Twitter  : @tree_trap
Fb : tree_trapcloth@yahoo.co.id / http://www.facebook.com/treetrap
CP               : Pin : 26836E05
              Hp : 08970269890

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