
Ice Cream Attack!

Artist : Ice Cream Attack! Genre : Dance Rock From : Denpasar Twitter : @icecreamattack Facebook : Ice Cream Attack Reverbnation Ice Cream Attack Youtube : Ice Cream Attack Official PERSONILS Vocal : Rika ( @rikayuniorika ) String + Beatronic Controller : Mow ( @ndramowmow ) Bass : Partanx ( @partanx ) Drum : Teguh Narakumusa ( @teguh_rockness ) BIO Momow originally tried kicking this project into gear with the name "Chocolate Milksex". By the time Rika, Partanx and Teguh had joined him though. The style and direction had changed and the band that developed took on the title of "Ice Cream Attack!". The've only been on the scene since august...


Esspecially Kindness

Artist : Esspecially Kindness (EssKind)  Genre : PopRock Gothic Electro From : Denpasar Facebook : Esspecially Kindness Twitter : @EssKind_Bali Reverbnation : Esspecially Kindness Personils Vocal : Ni Made R. Mareta Dewi (Thatha) Guitar : Made Putra Wira Utama (They_oii) Guitar : I Putu Suandy Aribawa (Nicky) Bass : Anthony Miraldy (Ony) Drum : Putu Firmansyah Giri (Onezz) BIO Esspecially Kindness (Esskind) is a name that is simple and easy to remember. Because the meaning of Esspecially Kindness is the beginning of goodness. Meaning of the name itself is a virtue is a positive thing to give our unyielding spirit, tried, and always...


Hyena Wants Party!

Artist    : Hyena Wants PARTY! Genre   : Post Hardcore / Energic Core From    : DENPASAR FB       : Hyena Wants PARTY! Twitter : @hyenawantsparty ReverbNation : Hyena Wants Party!Blog    : Hyena Wants Party! PERSONILVocal / scream     : Suma advin Synth / screaming : Ogi Guitar : Radit Guitar : Indra Bass : Jose Drum : Mocca BIO"Hyena Wants PARTY" formed on 28 April 2011. Many things happened after the formation of this band, such as personnel changes. And the formation of now they are feeling fit and ready to enliven the indie music...
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